Become a Corporate or Organizational Member

Since April 2014, the German Society of Montreal has opened membership in the Society to corporations, organizations and non-profit entities in a new membership class: Associate Membership.

Associate membership is open to all entities that are interested in promoting or supporting the objectives of the German Society of Montreal. The objectives of the Society are

  1. to bring together the German community of Montreal and facilitate exchange and cooperation between the community and different organizations, associations and institutions,
  2. to foster the German heritage, culture and language in Montreal, and
  3. to provide aid and charity to those who, because of failing health, misfortune or adverse circumstances, require help.

Membership Benefits

As an Associate Member of the German Society of Montreal, you will receive the following benefits:

  • Visibility as a supporter: A profile on our website, where you will be listed as a supporter of the German Society of Montreal. This profile can include a photo, your logo, your address, links to your website and social media profiles and a description of your company or organization.
  • Access to the jobPortal Service for free. This service allows you to share job posts on our website and through our social media channels.
  • Possibility to advertise in the Society's Event Update Newsletters. Read more ...
  • Subscription to our newsletter and event updates.
  • A vote at the Annual Members’ Meeting of the Society.

Membership Fees

There are two price categories for Associate Members:

  • Corporations
    $ 95.00 per year
  • Non-Profit Organizations and Registered Charities
    $ 50.00 per year

To join the Society, please use our Easy Online Application or fill in the PDF Membership Form for Corporations and Non-Profit Organizations and e-mail or mail it back to us.

Upcoming Events

Tue, 14/01/2025 - 17:30 to Wed, 31/12/2025 - 19:30
Wed, 15/01/2025 - 17:30 to Thu, 01/01/2026 - 19:30
Wed, 19/02/2025 - 17:30 to Thu, 05/02/2026 - 19:30
Wed, 19/03/2025 - 17:30 to Thu, 05/03/2026 - 18:30
Wed, 16/04/2025 - 17:30 to Thu, 02/04/2026 - 19:30