
Anniversary Ball of the German Society

Submitted by Gisela Steinle on Mon, 24/02/2014 - 02:07

In order to get started with the preparations for our 180th Anniversary Ball in 2015, we would like to encourage all of you, but especially our younger members, to e-mail us at and let us know if and how you are willing to help prepare, organize, and help run the Ball. We don’t think we can do without you! Debutants and escorts are naturally also always needed. To find out more, please visit the 2015 Ball Committee page!


Stammtisch Update

Submitted by Nico Ahn on Thu, 23/01/2014 - 23:18

Due to the increasing success of the German Montreal Stammtisch since last October, we have deciced that the event is here to stay.

Yesterday, over 20 people came together at the 6à8 Stammtisch at Les 3-Brasseurs on McGill College Avenue and Ste.-Cartherine Street. From now on we will organize the Stammtisch every third Wednesday of the month.


German Montreal Weekly

Submitted by Nico Ahn on Fri, 03/01/2014 - 01:49

Every week on Monday, the German Society will bring you its free online newspaper German Montreal Weekly, summarizing what the Society and its partner organizations are sharing in the social media. Check out and bookmark the first edition of the e-paper on today.


Photos Christmas Bazaar

Submitted by Nico Ahn on Thu, 12/12/2013 - 11:08

Now online: Gisela Steinle provided us with here photos from this years bazaar. Again a big thanks to all our volunteers, visitors, and sponsors. A special thanks goes out to our main sponsors Rolf C. Hagen Inc. and Henkell Sektkellerei Wiesbaden. We hope to see you all again at the 2014 Christmas Bazaar!


Christmas Bazaar 2013: A success!

Submitted by Gisela Steinle on Thu, 05/12/2013 - 00:35

We are happy report of our very successful bazaar on November 23. The number of visitors was almost overwhelming – we had substantially more guests than last year, probably largely due to advertising in the press, on our website, and also on Facebook. We were also happy to see so many young faces at the bazaar, both as guests and volunteers.

German Christmas Bazaar: Are you coming?

Submitted by Nico Ahn on Sun, 03/11/2013 - 14:28

Are you coming to the German Christmas Bazaar on Sat., Nov. 23 at the Town of Mont-Royal town hall (90, boul. Roosevelt)! Find out more about the event on our website and let us know your coming and invite your friends on Facebook. You can also sign up for SMS text message alerts to stay up-to-date about the event. Hope to see you there. All proceeds from this event will go towards supporting German associations, language schools and churches in the Greater Montréal Area.


First DGM 6à8 Stammtisch on October 17, 2013 at Les Trois Basseurs

Submitted by Nico Ahn on Sun, 27/10/2013 - 22:48

Fifteen to twenty people came to our first “Stammtisch”  and spent a pleasurable early evening with us at the downtown brasserie. It was nice to meet and talk to new people, in some cases renew the acquaintance, and do some networking.

We’re planning to make this a regular event, about once a month – a proper German Stammtisch.

Thanks to all who came – maybe we’ll be even more the next time. We’ll keep you informed about time and place of the next get-together.


Consul General's Reception

Submitted by Nico Ahn on Wed, 09/10/2013 - 23:28

On Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2013, the board of the German Society of Montreal was invited to represent the Society at the Reception of the Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to ICAO honoring the Day of German Unity (Oct. 3). The board thanks the diplomatic representations of Germany for the invitations to this wonderful event at the ICAO Delegates’ Lounge.

German Society announces first Stammtisch event: German Montréal 6à8

Submitted by Nico Ahn on Sun, 22/09/2013 - 21:26

We regularly receive requests inquiring about Stammtisch (German: meeting place) events for the German community in Montréal. This demand was confirmed in our survey conducted this summer - members as well as non-members are looking for more way in which they can meet and get together. We are happy to announce that we will hold our first German Montréal 6à8 event at Les 3 Brasseurs on the cornor of Sainte-Catherine Street and McGill College Av. on October 17 starting at 6:00pm. Everyone is welcome!

