Photo Galleries

Mont-Royal. November 22, 2014. The German Society held its annual German Christmas Bazaar at the Town of Mont-Royal city hall. These images were provided courtesy of Andrew Horwood.

Der Erlös des Weihnachtsmarktes geht an die gemeinnützige und kulturelle Arbeit der Deutschen Gesellschaft.
Tous les profits du bazar seront remis aux travaux culturels et charitables de la Société allemande.
The profits from the bazaar will go towards the charitable and cultural work of the German Society.

Thank you to Andrew Horwood for providing us with these pictures from the October 23, museum visit in the Musée des Beaux Arts de Montreal for:

“From van Gogh and Gauguin to Kirchner and Kandinsky”
Expressionism in Germany and France, 1900 - 1914

Thank you to Andrew Horwood for providing us with these pictures from the October 23, museum visit in the Musée des Beaux Arts de Montreal for:

“From van Gogh and Gauguin to Kirchner and Kandinsky”
Expressionism in Germany and France, 1900 - 1914

Thank you to everyone who attended this year's Christmas Bazaar! The event was a big success because of all our guests and volunteers. We would also like to thank you generous sponsors, especially Henkell Sektkellerei Wiesbaden and Rolf C. Hagen Inc.

This year's bazaar was held on November 24, 2012 from 12:00 noon to 06:00 pm at the Town of Mont-Royal Townhall. Here are some pictures (taken by Dr. Horst Richter) from the wonderful afternoon.


On September 13, 2012, the Activities Group of the German Society joined Mrs. Frieda Schyle for her 100th birthday celebration. Here are some photos generously shared by Elisabeth Gertler.

The Official Photo Gallery from the 2012 German Gala Ball at Le Château Champlain on April 28, 2012.

On March 27, Susanne Geyer, wife of the current Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany offered to give a presentation about her time spent living in Tehran, as well as her travels through Iran.

The Official Photo Gallery from the 2011 German Ball at Le Château Champlain on May 14, 2011.

November 26, 2011
This year's bazaar was held on November 26, 2011 from 12:00 noon to 06:00 pm at the Town of Mont-Royal Townhall.

Here are some pictures (taken by Inge Albrecht) from the wonderful afternoon.


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