You are cordially invited to our online Christmas raffle with the virtual wheel of fortune. Please register to participate in the online event. You will then receive a confirmation by email with information on how to participate.
All donors who have donated at least $30 are automatically entered into the prize draw. You are not required to attend the event live in order to win (in case you win we will contact you by email). If you wish to attend the online raffle, please register via the above link.
Prizes will be raffled off in two rounds. In the first round about 20 prizes will be raffled. In the second round all tickets will be mixed again to draw the first prize. Hence, every participant has two chances to win. A musical interlude with German Christmas songs adds to the fun.
There are many colourful prizes to be won, interesting for the eyes, ears or palate, and a German language course for $200, a L'Oréal gift basket for $300 and our first prize, a EURO SPA wellness weekend for two people worth $350.
Would you like to win one of the great prizes? It is not too late yet. With a donation of at least $30 you automatically qualify for the tombola participation: http://germansociety.ca/donate
To take part in the raffle
- you must make your online donations by Saturday, December 5, 12 pm, or
- your cheque must reach us by mail by noon on Friday, December 4 at the latest.
If you have any further questions about the Christmas raffle, please contact communications@deutschegesellschaft.ca
We look forward to welcoming you on December 6, 2020.
- German Society of Montreal