
Election for the Board of Directors

Submitted by Nico Ahn on Wed, 27/04/2016 - 14:17

On May 29, 2016, the German Society will hold its Annual Members’ Meeting. An election for four of the nine positions on the Board of Directors will take place at the meeting. We are still looking for candidates. If you are interested in supporting the German Society by becoming active on the Board of Directors and contributing to shaping the future of the Society, please contact Nico Ahn by April 29, 2016 (

Invoices for Membership Fees

Submitted by Nico Ahn on Sat, 12/03/2016 - 09:15

We would like to inform our members that invoices for membership dues ($ 40 for regular members) will be sent out on April 1, mostly by e-mail, to save postage. You may pay your membership dues online (see link to payment page on the invoice), or continue to write cheques and send them to the address listed on the invoice. Members who joined during the fiscal year will receive a "first-year credit", i.e. their membership dues for this year will be reduced according to the starting date of their membership.

Changes to the Board of Directors of the Society

Submitted by Gisela Steinle on Fri, 01/01/2016 - 00:00

Effective January 1, 2016, Nico Ahn has stepped down as Member of the Board and Secretary of the German Society of Montreal.

Nico Ahn has decided to retire from the board due to his relocation to Munich past September. In his resignation letter he thanked the Board for the trust they placed in him over the past years. He will remain available to support the Society in an advisory capacity.

Terrorattentat in Paris

Submitted by Nico Ahn on Sat, 14/11/2015 - 18:34

Nach den schweren Attentaten am Freitagabend in Paris, findet am Sonntag, den 14. November 2015 um 10.00 Uhr am Quartier des spectacles eine Solidaritätskundgebung der Bürger der Stadt Montreal statt.

An der Kundgebung nehmen auch Herr Denis Coderre, Bürgermeister von Montreal und Frau Catherine Feuillet, Generalkonsulin Frankreichs teil. Der Marsch fängt am Quartier des spectacles an und endet am französischen Generalkonsulat (1501, avenue du McGill College).

Unsere Gedanken und unser Mitgefühl sind bei den Opfern und Angehörigen der Anschläge.

Kondolenzbuch für Altbundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt

Submitted by Nico Ahn on Thu, 12/11/2015 - 15:44

Eine Nachricht von Herrn Generalkonsul Walter Leuchs.
Un message de Monsieur Walter Leuchs, Consul général de la République fédérale de l'Allemagne à Montréal.
A message from Mr. Walter Leuchs, Consul-General of the Federal Republic of German in Montreal.

Liebe Freunde des deutschen Generalkonsulates,

Altbundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt ist heute (10.11.) nachmittag in Hamburg verstorben. Er war der deutsche Bundeskanzler von 1974 bis 1982; zuvor war er bereits Bundesverteidigungs- und -finanzminister.

Weihnachtsmarkt: Freiwillige Helfer! Volunteers! Bénévoles!

Submitted by Nico Ahn on Fri, 30/10/2015 - 06:48

Am Samstag, den 3. Dezember 2016 findet unser Weihnachtsmarkt im Rathaus von Town of Mont-Royal statt. Wie jedes Jahr suchen wir wieder freiwillige Helfer für das Aufbauen, den Verkauf an den verschiedenen Ständen und Stationen und das Abbauen. The bazaar is a fundraiser to support the Society cultural and charitable programs.

Wenn Sie Zeit und Lust hätten sich für eine Schicht von 1-2 Stunden zu engagieren, schreiben Sie bitte eine kurze E-Mail an Frau Lili Ahn (

German Society publishes its Annual Report 2015

Submitted by Nico Ahn on Tue, 23/06/2015 - 22:14

In an effort to increase transparency and improve communication with its members, the German Society has for the first time published its Annual Report online. We invite our members, partners and other stakeholders to take a look. The Annual Report 2015 contains three sections, outlining the Society's acheivements, activities and financial performance in the year ended March 31, 2015. Due to the year end of March 31, the financial results of the German Gala Ball 2015 are not included in this result, but will be included in the Annual Report 2016.


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